To make an order for parquet flooring blocks, unfinished solid oak flooring, or unfinished engineered wood flooring, please contact our Sales staff to check on the product's availability first.
You can place your order in one of the following ways:
- Over the phone: 020 88309788
- Through the website:
- In the showroom: 158 Coles Green Road, London, NW2 7HW
Currently, we accept the following methods of payment:
- Cash (for orders placed in the showroom);
- Cheque (for orders placed in the showroom or over the phone);
- Cards (Visa, Master, Maestro);
- BACS (for orders placed over the phone);
Please note: credit cards are a subject to 2.5% bank sub-charge.
To place your order on our website, please follow the steps below:
1. Select the desired product.
2. Specify the desired quantity (in packs).
3. Press the “ADD TO BASKET” button.
4. Check your order and add delivery details (postcode).
5. Press “Update Basket Details” button.
6. Press the “Make Payment With Google Wallet” button and fill in your payment details.
Currently, our online payment facility supports only payments accepted through Google Checkout. Please note, your online payments may be pre-authorised or accepted for payment by the payment processor, however actual payment is authorised by Oak Parquet Flooring once product availability is confirmed.
Samples can be ordered either over the phone or via our website. Samples are sent free of charge. Maximum of 2 samples can be sent to a customer for free.
Available samples:
- Samples of parquet flooring are sent in real size;
- Samples of unfinished solid wood flooring are sent in full width and size of up to 15 cm;
- Samples of unfinished engineered wood flooring are sent in full width and size of up to 15 cm;
- Maximum of 2 samples can be sent (Royal Mail);
- Speak to a member of our staff for extensive product information and sales enquiries.
- Monday - Friday, 07:30 - 17:30
- Saturday - 07:30 - 16:00